Children's Defense Fund

Health Coverage for All Children (NDSA)

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Consider taking action on other issues.

Take A Bold Step for NY Youth - Raise the Age Today!

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Take A Bold Step for NY Youth - Raise the Age Today!

Congress, please #StopTheCuts

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Tell Congress to stop program cuts and get rid of sequestration rules that prevent needed investments to lift children out of poverty.

2016 Children's Sabbaths Action

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2016 Children's Sabbaths Action: End Child Poverty Now

2019 HR 8 Action

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2019 HR 8 Action

2019 Protect Children Not Guns

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2019 Protect Children Not Guns Action

Tell your lawmakers you're tracking their action for children

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Action alert for launch of 2020 Legislation Action Report Card

Action Alert Template

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Used to test the new action alert template

CDF-NY Action Alert Template

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Used to test the new action alert template

Student Transportation for Success Act

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SB 250 seeks to make sure that every child who needs one receives one and to prevent the use of a school meal from being used to discipline a child or coerce the child's parents to pay an unpaid school meal debt.

CalWORKs Baby Wellness and Family Support Home Visiting Program

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AB 992 would strengthen families, help break the cycle of poverty, and improve the effectiveness of the CalWORKs program by creating the Baby Wellness and Family Support Home Visiting Program to provide voluntary home visiting services to CalWORKs recipie

Setting a Minimum Age for Juvenile Court Prosecution

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SB 439 would exclude children 11 years old and younger from juvenile delinquency court jurisdiction. Additionally, this bill will promote alternatives outside of the juvenile justice system such as through child welfare, education, health care or human

Be Careful What You Cut Petition

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Contact your members of Congress and tell them to protect children's safety nets and to invest in their health, education and well being.

CDF-MN Action Alert Template

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Used to test the new action alert template

CDF-SRO Action Alert Template

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Used to test the new action alert template

CDF-TX Action Alert Template

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Used to test the new action alert template

Children's Needs vs. Corporate Greed

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Children's Needs vs. Corporate Greed alert to super committee members

Shadowbox test alert

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Main education take action

Demand Our Nation's Most Vulnerable Children Receive A Quality Education

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Tell your Members of Congress to support the educational priorities crucial to our nation's most vulnerable children

Keep Children Out of Poverty!

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Keep Children Out of Poverty!

Urge your Representatives to vote "NO" on H.R. 5

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Tell your representative: Promote educational success for poor children. Vote "NO" on H.R. 5

Tell Your Lawmakers to End Child Poverty Now

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Ending Child Poverty Now_Alert 1_Letter to Congress

Ensure a Healthy Start for Every Child in Your State

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Main health take action -- to expand CHIP and Medicaid coverage (2011)

Expanded Child Tax Credit (CTC) Direct Advocacy Hub

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We must make the expanded CTC permanent!

Urge the Senate: Tackle Gun Violence Prevention Now

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Gun Violence Prevention alert post El Paso and Dayton shootings

Help End Child Poverty in the State Budget

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The California Earned Income Tax Credit (CalEITC), which capitalizes on the federal EITC, has long-lasting benefits for children, families, and communities.

Make Children Top Priority in Budget Battles

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Send a letter to Congress about children in the budget battles.

Making Sure We Take Care of Our Kids

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Making Sure We Take Care of Our Kids

Urge Your Senator to Support CHIP

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ACT NOW! Send an email to your Senators today urging them to support a clean four year extension of the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP).

Protect Children, Not Guns

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Fill in your information below to send a message to your Senators and Representative telling them to protect children instead of guns. Include a personal story if you or someone you know has been affected by gun violence.

Step Forward for Children's Health

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Protect CHIP & Children's Medicaid

Step Up for Children in the Budget Battles

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Protect Children in the Budget

Strong Start for America's Children

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The Strong Start for America's Children Act invests in and encourages expansions of high quality home visiting programs, Early Head Start, Head Start, child care, pre-K and quality kindergarten programs to reach poor and low-income children.

Tell Congress To Make Children Their Top Priority

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Generic action alert for Action Council Use

Tell Congress to support the Child Care and Development Block Grant Act of 2014

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Tell Congress to support the Child Care and Development Block Grant Act of 2014

Tell Congress: #StopTheCuts. Write Now!

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Tell Congress: #StopTheCuts. Write Now! (April 7 2015)

Tell Congress: We must extend free school meals to all children

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Tell Congress: We must extend free school meals to all children

Tell the Senate pass the American Rescue Plan

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Tell the Senate this is our moment: pass the American Rescue Plan today

Tell the Senate the HEALS Act is not relief for children and families

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Tell the Senate the HEALS Act is not relief for children and families

Tell the Senate they can't recess without passing more relief

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Tell the Senate they can't recess without passing more relief

Tell the Senate to take action for children and families

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Tell the Senate to take action for children and families

Tell the Senate: Relief Can't Wait!

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Tell the Senate: Relief Can't Wait!

Tell your Senators to Vote for Common Sense Gun Safety Measures NOW!

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Tell your Senators to Vote for Common Sense Gun Safety Measures NOW!

FS NDSA Action Alert

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Tell your legislators to take action for children and families

Thank President Obama for his Early Childhood Development and Education Initiative

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Please join us in thanking President Obama for his Early Childhood Development and Education Initiative.
